Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What Now?

I manage to make it out of the market without running into anyone from my past. I know it's awful but it has really just been one of those days.

I don't want to talk to anyone.

Maybe Dad's onto something with this silent treatment thing.

I load up the car and head back home. It's weird to me that I am calling this home now. I scan the XM radio for something good...take my mind off all the oddities of the day. I stop briefly on a sports station, in time to hear about the Orlando Magic advancing to the NBA finals for only the second time in franchise history.

My nomadic spirit lead me to Orlando for a few months. Of all the places I had been I had never seen anything quite like it.

Flashes of friends and I shutting down Wall Street play like a movie in my head. For the first time today I crack a smile; which of course fades away again as soon as I pull into the junk yard that is now my home.

Back inside Dad hasn't moved and since he's decided to ignore me I walk past him to the kitchen to put everything away.

There's a pass through window, in the kitchen. I look through it from time to time as I remove the groceries from their bags.

I can't believe he has not moved at all.

And now that I think of it...I don't know if I've even seen him blink.

I put everything down and walk out into the living room.


No answer.

"Can you hear me?"

I'm standing right by him now...he remains still

I reach out a trembling hand and place it on his neck below his ear...

He's cold...and I feel nothing.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to start out by saying I really enjoyed this experience. I find it not only relevant but a nice break from reading and a chance to be creative. I feared after switching out of creative writing I wouldn't get much of a chance to be creative any more so needless to say this was nice. I definitely took a more imaginative approach with my blog. I noticed a lot of people did more memoir type writing but I wanted to take this opportunity to be completely creative. My story and pictures are based loosely on a trip I made with my family to Indiana a few Decembers ago. We were visiting my ailing 95 year old great uncle. I grew up around him and he was always so full of life and good spirit. It was a shock for me to see him in such poor health. That feeling of shock and sadness sort of shaped my mentality through the story. As far as interacting with the other blogs I really enjoyed it! I think it provided a good opportunity to see what everyone else was writing, and not only that but to take what they wrote it and interpret it in a way that would fit into my writing. Some were definitely easier than others to incorporate, but I think I did a good job of doing so. It's interesting to me the connection I have drawn between this particular assignment and the Roland Barthe essay. I love the idea of only the reader being able to extract meaning from a text, and essentially that is what we are doing when we read our peer's blogs. We extract our own meanings and shape them in a way that fits our blogs. I think that this reinforces the idea that the text never ends and essentially that's what we have done here linking up our blogs. It's interesting also this sort of web of texts we've created in that our books all seem to have been connected in come way shape or form (particularly Written on the Body). I think as readers and writers we need to be aware that text extends much further than just the page or screen, and a lot of times familiar texts pop up in places we might least expect.
